Various Voices

CHE was founded in 1982, at a time when society was just getting used to the existence of gays and lesbians. It has campaigned for fundamental LGBTQI rights such as marriage and adoption, and has grown and spread throughout Wallonia from Louvain-la-Neuve to Liège and Namur.
As the name suggests, the LGBTQI student association (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals, Queers, Intersexual) is established for young people who feel attractions that do not conform to the heterosexual norm and/or whose gender identity is different from the cisgender norm. Anybody interested in LGBTQI rights and culture or the role of LGBTQI people in today’s society is welcome.
In 2012 CHE, together with its counterparts in Liège (CHEL) and Namur (CHEN) established the “Cercles Homosexuels Estudiantins Francophones Fédérés (CHEFF). The aim of this organisation is to support and represent LGTBQI student associations and to contribute to the creation of new associations in other campuses within the French-speaking community. CHE is now the CHEFF representative in Brussels.
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